#myreadsmonday Mrs. by Caitlin Macy

I went into Mrs. by Caitlin Macy expecting a variation on the theme of a light, wealth-porn, socialite romp. While it’s true most of the main characters in this novel are in the upper stratosphere of the financial classes, this book is anything but a light romp. Mrs. draws you in with the promises of fine wine and private preschools, then takes you on a twisting ride through the complicated and messy lives of these people living in New York City in the Madoff hey-days.

At the heart of the novel are the three women; Gwen, Phillipa, and Minnie. Their lives intersect at the exclusive preschool their children attend, but we see through flashbacks how their lives have touched and overlapped in the past; and as the book progresses you learn their chaotic truths.

I was impressed by the way Caitlin Macy created this unflinching portrayal of lives gone awry. These characters work to uphold their prestigious facades, all while their internal struggles are vivid and painful. You get to see bits and pieces of what makes and breaks each character. Rich socialite married to Wall Street’s new “it” man? Yeah, she’s got a sketchy past. Stay at home mom married to the rising hotshot in the US Attorney’s office? She’s got her own demons. Banking scion in charge of prestigious NYC bank? Maybe he’s not what he really wants to be.

The characters in Mrs. play out a sophisticated choreography of the shifting balances of power, money, family, and love. In the end, they all learn how these elements of their lives will extract a price on their very souls. Some will pay the highest price. Others escape with their lives intact, but surely will never be the same.